We left and walked to this place called Texacana. They play live music and people go out and dance. We ordered some sangria and it had pieces of pineapple in it. So good..We also ordered some guacamole with these fried wonton things with cheese in them. I´m liking that alot more that just regular tortilla chips now. The music was really fun, we even got up and danced a little. We had a such a great time. The only thing that sucks is that smoking is permitted in all public areas. So when we left we stunk of cigarrette smoke. It was disgusting..
ready to go!
love these girls!
sometimes you just have to dance
Today we went to tia Nelly´s house for a little family reunion before she goes off to surgery. We ate ceviche, esceveche de pescado, arroz con pollo, cancha, cake, it was a fabulous lunch. well it wasn´t exactly lunch, because me and my mom, Becky, Fernando and thei kids got there around 3. We went to buy a cake at the grocery store after church and it was packed. We waited in line for atleats 45 minutes. I was starving so I bought an epanada to eat while I waited. On our way to tia Nelly´s house we came across a cute dog that apparently was hungry because he was carrying his little plastic bucket begging for food. It was the cutest thing!
Also while stopped at a stop light I saw through the back windows of the car, a little old man with a cane stopping by every car asking for money I guess. I took a picture of him from the car. He looked so sad.
But anyways, at the lunch we had a great time just laughing and being together. We also kinda celebrated tio Isamael and tio Benjamin´s birthdays. We got a guanabana cake and sang happy birthday. My tios are so funny. We all laughed probably 98% of the time! It was great. There were alot of us there but not even one fourth of how big the family is!
my mom and tio Ismael (he also goes by Cachupin and Loco)
tio Ruben, Tia Nelly
all of us
always laughing
Tios and Tias
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