So this morning my friend Daniel came to pick me up and I went with him to the bank and to his University so he could sign up for some classes. He ended up taking me to downtown Lima (Centro de Lima). love it there! The buildings are amazing and there are so many people walking around. I took alot of pictures of everything. I still geta lottle worried about taking my camera everywhere though because people will rob you hear in heart beat. But I always feel safer if I´m with a guy. So Daniel carried my bag for me. We walked by the "Plaza de Armas" and the president lives right infront of it. It´s like this huge circle of beauiful buildings.
where the president lives
the little man waved at me from his carraige
I don´t remember what this building is
We ate some lunch at this little rinky dink place. But the food was delicious! All though all I ate was my soup but I could tell the rest of it was good. We had juice of maracuya and the whole meal came with soup and you picked the entree. It was all 5 soles which isnt even 2 dollars. And it was a whole meal! Food here is so cheap!
walking down the street after lunch
We went to this building where they sell tons of stuff. I tried on some hats and bought some jewelry. I bought a new purse too because I didnt have anywhere to carry all the stuff I bought. I also bought some "chuyos" those little hats from here that everyone always likes made out of Alpaca. I have to go back and shop some more! I ended up running out of money.
trying on a funny hat
While we were walking down this street I saw this little lady all crumpled up in a ball against a fenced doorway. It was so sad. I took a picture of her because it´s not something you see everyday. Sometimes I look around at all the people here and they seem so positive and happy and alot of people back home just don´t even realize how blessed we are there. We have so much and people here struggle everyday just to survive. Sometimes I feel like I take it for granted and not even stop to think about my life and how I have it so good. I hate that sometimes I forget. You should never forget. I want to wake up every morning and thank God for what I have. He has given me so much and I know that I have to give back for what I have been blessed with. I pray that I can do something good and fulfilling and helpful to someone while I am here. I feel like I am here for a real reason this time. Not just for a vacation and to have fun.
So tonight I spoke to the lady from the orphanage I am going to volunteer at and she said I coold start on Monday! I am so excited! I am going to be helping teach english to the kids. I can´t wait! They are going to come and pick me and bring me back too. Ir´s in this little town names Lurin its about 45 minutes away. I am really looking forward to it!
this image made me so sad.
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