Well my tio David was in town. He lives in Trujillo, Peru. It´s about 8 hours from here. He was here for a few days with my cousin Jonathon. They were staying close by so they came to see me before they left. It was so good to see them again.
Jonathon, tio David, tio Benjamin, me
So tonight me, Stefani, and Jose went to eat some ceviche. First we met up with Jose at this tennis court he was practicing at. Then we went to San Borja where the best cevicherias are supposed to be at. We ordered ceviche mixto which comes with fish, shrimp, clams, and tond of sea creatures. We also ordered fried calamari, cancha, and this soup de Pirehuela (a type of fish). We got so much stuff! I didn´t think we would be able to finish it all. But we did somehow.
where we ate at
I love ceviche!
fried calamari and ceviche
sopa de parihuela
this fish was painted on the wall i couldnt help myself
When we left the cevicheria I was just craving some sangria. So we went to a little corner store and got some. It only cost 10 soles and it even came with a cup attached! So we just walked around and drank our sangria and then eventually hailed a taxi and went home. It was such a fun night. And I was soooo full!! It´s good to finally be able to eat normal again!
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