Lastnight I went out with Stefani and her boyfriend Jose. We went to Barranco and they took me to the touristy parts. I have been there before but I always like to go. There were some guys painting these amazing pictures and people selling little jewelry and hats and stuff on the streets. We walked over to this little park and took some pictures. There was this cathedral I think thats what it was and it was all illuminated with lights.
I couldnt figure out how to flip this picture over
Looking down a little passageway
Stopping to smell some flowers
There was also this statue of a black horse and there was some gardens. It´s such a cool place. The night was pretty cold too. I need to buy a thicker jacket!
going for a little stroll
We took a taxi to this other part of Barranco where they sell little stuff like jewelry and things like that. There were so many people around. You could tell alot of them were tourists. Everything is just so beautiful here. The buildings are all colorful and old looking. I am always going to carry my camera with me!
this little fountain was in the middle of the park.
We left Barranco and headed over to Miraflores. Where we walked for what seemed like miles. Miraflores is where there are alot of bars and restaurants and just places to walk around. There´s a park in the center of everything and there are more little stands of jewelry and artesanias. We also saw a firetruck that came by with the sirens on and a new bride and groom was sitting on top waving and smiling. The truck was all decorated in ribbons and there were firemen on top too taking pictures if the couple. It was so funny and crazy to see that! Everybody on the streets stopped to look and take pictures too. It was funny.
couldnt figure out how to flip this picture either
We ended up walking all the way from there to Larco Mar. It was pretty far but I love to walk. Especially since I haven´t been able to work out in soooo long!!! We ended up going to Pizza Hut It stays open really late. It was already 1:30 in the morning! I definatley wasnt about to eat pizza this late. Plus i dont like fast food. They wouldn´t let us eat inside so we had to eat outside. We walked over to the over look and sat on a bench. I ended up falling asleep on the bench while they ate. I´m not used to staying up so late plus I was so tired from all the walking. We just sat there and watched all the drunk people pass by making fools of themselves. I just wanted to go to bed though. I´m getting old.
Tonight they took me to "El Parque de las Piletas". It´s this new park that has tons of fountains and lights. It´s supposed to be one of the best of the world! We stood in line for what felt like forever. I ended up buyimg 2 things of cotton candy, some gummy bears, a drink and some chocalate just waiting to get in. I need to quit spending money on crap! Anywyas, when we finally got in it was so pretty! The fountains were really really beautiful! We walked around to all of them and just enjoyed being there. It was so cold though!
the first fountain we came to
I love candy apples!
kids can run and play in this one. The water just randomly goes up from the ground and you get so wet.
this picture wasnt taken well obviously
riding in the "Combi" on the way back.
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