Today Tio Ruben invited us all to lunch. He is an excellent cook! He fried some fish and I normally don´t like to eat fish unless it´s ceviche or sushi but it was delicious! He also made Sarza which is lime juice, and onions. I love eating sarza it´s good with everything. Before we ate lunch though they started serving something in mugs I didn´t know what it was and they gave me one. It ended up being fish soup. I don´t really know what I think of it. It´s made from the head of the fish and its just boiled and with other stuff. I didn´t know what all was in it until after I drank it. I guess that was good though. Just thinking about the fish head and eyes kinda grosses me out. Anyways, we had such a great time together,laughing and eating! My uncles are so funny! It´s like non stop laughter when we are all together!

my cousin Nella and her baby. I hadn´t seen her in almost 9 years!

my tios y tias after a wonderful meal

Tia Nelly. she is healing quite well

Tio Isamel, Daniel, Ruben, and Benjamin
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