So today I went to my tio Ismael´s house. It was his birthday so we went over to visit him. Me, Tia Mimi and Tio Benjamin rode together. It seemed like the longest trip. We rode a bus to start with then got off in some sketchy place and then had to find a "colectivo" (i don´t know what that´s called in english) and then from there we reached his neighborhood and then we took a moto-taxi to his house. It was fun. I love riding those things they are so scary but exciting at the same time.
moto taxi ride
When we got in noone had arrived yet and then Tio Benjamin sang him a birthday song. It was hilarious and very sweet. I didn´t realize he could sing so well.
tio Benjamin´s birthday serenade
I really wanted to buy him a cake so we went to the supermarket and the caked here are amazing, but I already knew that. I´ve actually been so anxious to eat cake here since I knew I was coming to visit! They are definately not bland and boring. They have all kinds of fruity cakes. They had maracuya, lucuma, pineapple, guyanabana. I got the guyanabana one. They decorate the cakes so pretty and the icing is so good! It´s not too heavy or sweet. So while we were at the store I asked my uncle how old he was so I could buy him some candles with the numbers on it. He told me he was turning 68 so I bought those candles. When we got back tio Benjamin saw the candles and he said that he wasn´t turning 68, he was turning 67. Tio Ismael didn´t believe him but then they sat there and calculated form the yearhe was born and he was in fact turning 67! Ha it was so funny! He didn´t even know his own age. I guess that´s what happens when you get so old.
guyanabana cake - delicious!
Lucho, tio Benjamin, Dera, tio Ismael, tia Mimi
tio Benjamin, Renato, tio Ismael, Yara, me, tia Mimi, Dera, Rosanna
My cousins Lucho, Monica, and Omarshowed up too. Monica also brought him a cake. We had a great time just chatting and laughing. They are so crazy and funny. Lucho was telling us all these crazy stories about the people he has picked up in his taxi. It was hilarious! I love my family. I don´t think I want to leave.
Monica, tio Ismael and the second cake
me and Monica
something mustve been interesting on the other room
we looked at old photos from when tio Ismael lived in the jungle in Iquitos and when my mom went to visit him
me and Yara she is adorable!
wearing my cool new chuyo
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