My tia Margarita, who was in ICU last week, for some reason was released on Friday. We were all shocked! Especially because when I saw her she looked so pitiful and was almost in a coma. We were planning on going to go visit her yesterday there but they called us and told us she was back at her daughter Rosita´s house. So we met up with tio Ruben this morning and we took a cab together and went to Mirtha´s house(my cousin, her grandaughter) we didn´t know exactly where Rosita´s house was so we went there first. Well noone was home but we were able to get a hold of her and she called Rosita to send someone to walk us to her house. Well we stood around for a while and there were atleast about 7 dogs running around or just sitting there. There were about 10 kids playing volleyball on the street, they had strung up a rope from two windows and were tossing the ball over it. I love how kids here play outside and aren´t just sitting on the couch watching tv or playing video games. That´s how it should be. That´s how I grew up atleast. Kids need more stimulating activities nowadays. Anyways, so this little cute girl walks up to us and says "good day" and tells us she is here to take us to Rosita´s house. It was the cutest thing. She was one of her grandkids. When we got to the house I was so worried for my mom to see her sister in the condition that she was in. I even tried to warn her. But when we went into her room (well actually it´s a bed in the kitchen) she saw my mom and recognized her and she could speak and was alert and everything! I was so relieved and happy to see that. My mom was so happy that she recognized her too. She doesn´t recognize everyone anymore. My mom had´nt seen her in about 14 years!!! That is just so crazy to me! I can´t even imagine not seeing my brothers for a year much less 14...We spent some time talking to her then she fell asleep. I ended up playing with Betsy and her cousin Luis he was about 5, she was 8. They were so funny and sweet. I gave her one of my rings and she was so excited to have something from the United States. We took pictures and listened to music and danced around the living room. My cousin Rosita gave me a scarf she had knitted for me and also a little hat. I loved it!! I want to learn how to knit. Maybe I should while I am here...Later on Tio Ruben went to the store and brought back "pollo a la brasa" which is like rotiserrie chicken but it´s even better. I can already feel myself getting fatter...Bleh!!!
me and Luis
me and Betsy
they are so funny and precious
tia Mimi, tio Ruben, Mami, Rosita, me and Luis
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