We all had another little reunion today at tia Nelly´s house. I had stayed with Stefani so Saturday around noon me and Tio Benjamin got on a bus and went to Tia Nelly´s house. I ended up sitting on the front seat of the bus. I slept most of the way and didnt realize my window was open. When we got there my uncle told me he could see all thses sketchy people looking in my window like they wanted to rob my stuff, I had a backpack and my purse. Ahh! Oh well. Lunch was soooooo good! It was a buffet of all kinds of Peruvian dishes! I didn´t eat too much though becauise I have been eating waaaayyyyy too much lately! We had such a great time eating and laughing and some how we always end up singing too. All my uncles sing pretty well especially tio Benjamin he usually always breaks out in song.After we all ate we sat around the table and just laughed and laughed. My uncles told jokes and some dirty ones too and we were all dieing! I have so much fun with my family. I wish I could have had more time with them growing up. We all stayed up talking until late. Then we headed home. Tomorrow we wake up early and go to church then we are going to go see tia Grimalda. She´s the oldest.

my uncles

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