I have been teaching at the school since Monday. I love it! Monday was kinda stressful for me though. I was told that I was just going to observe again and that a lady was going to come and teach the english lesson at 12. I helped Miss Katie throughout the day and the kids weren´t so bad. They are a little crazy but they are just kids. They aren´t bad kids by any means. We had recess and got to play on the playground. It was crazy and fun. I played tag with them and I was exhausted! They never even got tired one bit. I wanted to rest and sit down but they just didn´t want to let me. They are so much fun though. Well after lunch miss Katie went to get the lady that was going to teach the english lesson and well she came back and told me she couldn´t make it and that I would have to do it! Keep in mind that this is just 5 minutes before the lesson was supposed to start. I was just thinking what am I going to even talk about. I don´t even know anything about phonics and vowels and when one is silent and long and short, I mean I don´t even remember much about it much less how to teach a 5 year old about it! The English language is the most confusing and contradicting language there is! I wanted to just get out of there. But somehow I got through it and said whatever and they listened and I think they understood..Oh well. It´s all a learning process I suppose.
Tuesday wasn´t so bad. I taught the Social Studies part of the day. We learned about Israel. All the workbooks and teaching materials are in English. So all I really have to do is interpret it and just say it all in Spanish to them. They don´t really listen because they are so loud and crazy and don´t pay attention but I do my best. I think this is why my throat hurts so much because I have never had to yell so much in my life! They are so loud and I can´t even hear myself when I talk. But I just love them all the more.
Today was kinda crazy. Well actually completely crazy! The other teacher told me she had a meeting and that she would be back around lunchtime. We had recess and after that we were supposed to have P.E. I don´t know why we didn´t. But Braynor, he is this guy that works there too, he came to help me since I was by myself in the classroom. It ended up that the other teacher never came back to finish up the day. I was so happy he came to help because I think I would´ve lost my mind with those kids alone. They were EXTRA hyper and psychotic!! Especially after recess it´s like running around gave them even more energy!! They were throwing food at eachother and pens, and paper. They got the bathroom floor all wet..They threw crayons everywhere and even colored the floor with them. Alittle boy named Piero was jumping on the table and screaming. He is so loud and obnoxious. He actually causes most of the uproar usually. It was utter chaos!!! Me and Braynor really didn´t know what else to do. We just kinda laughed it off. I tried to teach a lesson but that was pointless. They finally did end up calming down and we watched the movie "Cars". Three of them had to sit outide though because they were being punished. But at the end of the day it was all worth it just to see how much they really love me and how they show it. They are such sweet kids. Alot of them just come up to me and hung me for no reason at all. I love working here. I wish I could go everyday. Tonight I am going back with my mom to spend a few days with her. But I miss them already! Next weekwe are taking the kids to the zoo. That should be interesting...
(most of these pictures were taken by a 5 year old so the composition isn´t very good in most of them)

the classroom

Maria Jesus. She is the first of all the kids to warm up to me


Emmanuel and Patrick

Adriana she is soo adorable but a complete mess!

Michelle, Susan, Adriana, and Ariana

Michelle, Karla, me, Ariana, and Adriana

Michelle and Adriana

they love to fix my hair!

Willy, me, Michelle(in the back), Ariana


Michelle(still fixing my hair) and Nicool

Nicool, Karla, Ariana, Lorena, Melanie, Braynor (in the middle)

Franco, Patrick, Ysaias, Piero (green shirt), Adriana, Melanie, Willy (making a face), Susan, Lorena, Karla, Nicool, Braynor, Maria Jesue, Paola

Franco (he is so cute in his little glasses!), Adriana, Lorena, Nicool

Adriana, Melanie, Karla, Braynor and me

my mom came to visit

on the slide with Melanie and Susan

Lunch time


trying to get a group picture of the whole class. Not easy. Didn´t happen

me and Emmanuel