Saturday, December 6, 2008

Music in the city...

I spent the whole day at the beach once again. Ah! so nice and sunny and just peaceful. I love to just lay out and listen to the ocean. I wish I could just stay here forever. Julio came and picked me up early to go to the beach. We went to Pimentel. It was kinda cold at first, there is so much cool breeze here but after a while of just laying on the beach it gets warm. I walked to the edge to feel the water and it was freezing! But I didn't care I jumped in anyways..Well it was cold, very cold. So we pretty much just worked on our tan the whole time. There would be random people coming buy trying to sell jewelry or snacks. Which is actually pretty annoying when trying to just take a nap. Then there was this little boy that came up to us and he was selling jewelry. Julio told me to just ignore him because otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone. But of course I didn't listen because he was so cute and I felt bad. But I really didn't have any extra money other than my change to pay for transportation back to the house. So I told him that I couldn't buy anything. Well that little boy stood there for atleast 30 minutes. He kept tapping my foot asking me to buy something. He kept saying "compra, compra" which means "buy buy". I was annoyed but I didn't care so much. But Julio was getting mad because he would just not leave! Finally we ended up just getting up and moving somewhere else because he wouldn't leave. Augh. Oh well. After the beach we went to downtown Chiclayo. I really wanted to get this thing called "cremolada". It's kinda like a smoothie but way thicker. It's made out of fresh fruit and some have milk in it I think. But they are sooooo good! My favorite flavors are mango, coconut, and lucuma. Lucuma is this round, green, fruit orange on the inside with a round, black seed in the middle. You can't find those in the States. They have kind of a chalky texture but they are so good. Anyways, after we ate cremoladas he took me back to tia Chelita's house so I could take a shower and change and go back out. I was sooo red!

me and Julio

with Tia Chelita and Tio Miguel

me and Sabrina

So Julio came to pick me up and he ended up giving me this awesome jacket! It was his that he had worn before and I had really liked it. I was so happy! He is so nice! So we headed into town. There was going to be some music event in the middle of the town in the Plaza de Armas. So we walked over there but they were still setting up so we decided to go get another cremolada (or I did, I love those things!)and just walk around. I had to change my American money to soles anyways so we went to find a "cambista" the people that sell the money. So I did that and then Julio took me to this place called "Las Musas" which means "The Muses". It's this area where there's all these statues of different muses and it's just really pretty. Chiclayo is known for it. We walked around there for a while and I took some pictures. I had been there before about 10 years ago but it has really changed, it's alot nicer now and they have fixed it up. As we were walking back there were all these little girls just dancing to some music next to one of the statues. I love just how I can be walking and just randomly see people dancing on the streets or playing instruments. I just love the randomness of it all! We walked back towards town again and all the little hippies were out selling there stuff so I HAD to stop and check their stuff out. I stopped at this one guys little set up and it was just awesome! I ended up buying this really cool bracelet that has this turquoise stone in it and he weaved the rest of it. We ended up just hanging out with him for about an hour. His name was Miguel and he was from Chiclayo but he had traveled like all over! He said that most of the stones in his jewelry he had found in his travels. I asked about places to go climbing and he was telling me about this one place that's about 3 hours away and ah I just want to go so bad.

So after that we went to go check out that music thing. There were alot of people there. I tried to stand on these huge stone steps, but I still couldn't see very well. For the first part some kids came out and danced these awesome dances. The music was just great. Then this other guy I don't know where he was from but he came out in some gold body suit outfit and was singing and dancing it was hilarious! I got aggrivated that I couldn't see very well so I just made my way to the front. There was some rock band that was gonna play next. Julio was all looking foward to it too. He had never heard of them or anything but you would think that they would be atleast kinda good. Well when they came out it was kinda wierd. Well the girl was like 8 months pregnant, and she was all wierd and loud and screaming and jumping around. The guitar player was way off and not even in tune. It was so loud that nothing even made any sense. I thought it was just hilarious! But it sounded terrible. We eventually had to just get out of there. So we walked back to find a "colectivo", it's like a taxi but they fill up the car and drop people off on the way. So it like taking a bus but in a smaller vehicle. Hmm if that makes any sense? Well as we were walking we started hearing good music. Apparently the bad acts start the show. So we left before it actually got good. Oh well. It was too late to go back anyways plus I was so tired.

the terrible rock band

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