My arrival to Lima was pretty uneventful. I had to wait at the Miami airport for 7 hours!! It was really boring. But I did have a really good book that kept me busy. I think I read maybe half of it that day. When I landed and got outside it felt so nice to be here. It does feel like home but just a different home. I wonder if i will ever feel completly at home anywahere. I like to wander alot. I´ll probably end up doing that forever, atleast until I find my place in this sad, chaotic world, if that´s possible that is...
I stayed with Tio Ismael when I got to Lima. It was awesome to eat some delicious Peruvian dishes again! I went to this ghetto street market to buy some fruit. Everything was so cheap! And the fruit was amazing! I bought some papayas for a little over a dollar! I couldn´t help but be reminded of when me and Ashley had a "Papaya Party" and spent about 15 bucks on 3 mini papayas and 1 big one! Crazy! And they taste so much better here..Oh well I still think they are worth the money sometimes. I bought another fruit called Mamey. It kinda looks like a peeled coconut, but it tastes kinda like a mango. It´s orange inside and has a big seed in the middle. I´ll have to take a picture of it next time.
On the 11th of November it was my Tia Margarita´s birthday. So we went to her house and they had a little birthday celebration for her. It was really fun and also good to see her again. She has gotten so much better now. She is in a wheelchair now and not just laying in bed. She is so tiny too!

me with Tia Margarita

Lucho and Tio Benjamin were laughing so hard, who knows what they were talking about.

they were cracking us up

Everyone singing Happy Birhday!

Luis was getting out of control so Tio Ismael pulled his ear..a little too hard maybe!
On the 13th I left with Tio David to another place in Peru called Trujillo. He lives there with his family and he was in Lima for some meetings so I went with him on the bus to go visit his family for a while. It´s sooooo beautiful here! The weather is perfect! It´s so nice and sunny and just perfect. The weather kinds reminds me of san Diego. Warm during the day and cooler at night. I finally saw my old friend Yesenia who I hadn´t seen in almost 10 years! Last time I came here was I think the year 2000. But we had kept in touch some through the years. It is good to be here with my cousin Cleusa too and her brother Jonathon.
Today I went to the beach with Yesenia, Cleusa and Luz(one of Yesenia´s friends). The beach is in Huanchaco which is about 15 minutes from here. We took a little bus called a "micro" in spanish. It was packed! I hate when the buses are packed, so we had to stand up and just hold on to the metal thing at the top. It grosses me out to think about all the germs that are getting on my hand! I held on to my purse really tightly too..I refuse to be careless and get robbed. When we finally got there it was so sunny and nice. We walked on the beach and took lots of pictures. we watched the sunset too. It was beautiful..We went to eat at this little place on the beach and had "papas rellenas"(stuffed potatos), and picarones ( a dessert thing that you dip in syrup). After we ate we got on a "combi" it´s a little van type thing and then we got dropped off and we walked back to the house. What a nice beautiful day. I love it here.

Yesenia, me and Luz

my cousin Cleusa..she´s so cute!

I love the ocean!

Yesenia, me, Cleusa

we watched the sunset across the ocean, it was beautiful!
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