After the ceremony we went to the reception. It was in a different part of town. It was so nice and exclusive too. We had to have passes to get in. It was this huge tent like thing decorated so nice with flowers and candles and a huge dance floor. As we walked in they handed us Pisco Sours.

We got a table and then we had to wait for the bride and groom to get there. They were going around to all the tables giving away bottles of Wiskey. It was crazy! When the bride and groom got there they had their first dance. Then the DJ person was calling family members to come and dance with the bride and groom. Yesenia told me that the witnesses have to get up and dance too and that they would probably call my name. I was freaking out because how embarrassing! Luckily that didn´t happen though. After the dance they had a couple dance La Marinera. It was so beautiful. They were dressed in the typical dress. It was awesome!

After that the servers started serving some appetizers. They served mini empanadas and they were delicious! The also served some champagne for the toast. I couldnt wait to eat dinner though! The tradition here is to serve dinner at midnight so we had to wait until then. But it was fun in the meantime.


Dinner was so good! The rice was shaped like a heart. Everything was delicious!
After dinner the dancing began. The music was fun and everyone was dancing. Her family is so much fun. The band played all these cumbias the whole time. It was funny. So I went to the bathroom for a few minutes and when I got back to the table there were balloons everywhere! And these clowns on stilts! Crazy! We went back to the dance floor and everyone was just dancing and jumping and throwing balloons and beach balls and the lights were all frantic. It was sooo fun! We ended up dancing and having fun until 5 in the morning! They didnt serve any cake though. The tradition is to not serve any cake but that the next day the brife and groom go from house to house and pass out the cake. Sounds strange to me. All I wanted was to taste the cake! Oh well. This was the funnest wedding I have ever been to!


and dancing!

me and Luz

Yesenia, me and her cousin
standing outside the tent

me and Luz

with the bride and groom

the stage

the cake that was never cut


we took the ross from the center pieces