Today Tia Grimalda turned 87 years old! Alot of us went over to her house for a little birthday get together. I woke up early this morning and went to church with Tio Benjamin. We picked up Tio Daniel on the way there. Luckily we rode a taxi but we still got there 45 minutes late. As we got out of the taxi Tio Ismael and Roxanna were walking down the street towards the church. We ended up stopping at some little random corner store and buying candy, gum and cookies. I get kinda bored at this church so I need to have a little snack. We all do..By the time we got to church there wasn't much time left of the sermon. After it was over there was this luncheon thing that we had all planned to eat at before heading down to Tia Grimalda's house. There was sooo many of us from the family there. As I sat at my table and just looked around at all my aunts and uncles and cousins, I couldn't help but smile and feel so happy and blessed to be surrounded by such beautiful people. I love my family so much. And I just wish I would've had the chance to grow up around them and had more time to spend with them through my life. But regardless I feel like it's such a wonderful time in my life right now that I can spend with them. Anyways, we had chicken with rice and it wasn't that great but it was food. It was pretty funny though because all my aunts and uncles were complaining about how bad the food was. They did serve us some good tea though! So Tia Nelly came too. We were all happy to see her. She doesn't get out much since her surgery anymore. Well when she got out of the taxi when she got to the church she was crossing the street and she fell! She said that Tio Ruben panicked and grabbed her arm to lift her up and she screamed because it was her bad arm, the side where she had her mastectomy. So he got scared and let her go and she fell again! Poor thing..But she seemed fine, she complained like always but she is still so cute!
So when we got done with lunch we all headed out. I rode with Tio Ismael, Roxanna and my three old aunts. And it sure was an interesting ride. I think I got a little deaf on the way there. They are so loud and all they do is bicker. It was kinda like being in a car with the Golden Girls. We had to stop at the supermarket because we had to pick up a cake. I had to get out of the car for some peace and quiet, even if it was going into a roudy, crowded grocery store. Me, my tio and Roxanna went in there and bought some gummy candy, an empanada, and I bought some yogurt. And we kinda just wandered around. I think we all have ADD or something. We just got so distracted. Then we lost the reciept to pick up the cake so that took us another 10 minutes. In the end it was in Tio Ismael's back pocket, which he had checked 3 times already. It was pretty funny.
We finally got to her house and everyone else had already gotten there and were waiting for us at the door. Tia Grimalda was so cute and little like always. We all had some good bread and coffee and the cake was fantastic!! It was Guanabana cake which is one of my favorite fruits..I met alot of cousins and 2nd cousins and even third cousins I had never met before! We had a great time singing and just hanging out. I love being here!

these babies had the hugest little cheeks!

some 2nd cousins I had never met before. I forgot their names

Tia Deborah, and Tia Grimalda

Tio Ruben, Tia Grimalda, and Tio Benjamin

aunts and uncles all together

Tio Daniel, Tio Ismael, and me

my crazy uncles
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